I went to church today!!!!!!

Yay!!!  I went to church today!!! Thanks to a functional room phone, a Droid-toting hubby/pastor extraordinaire, and a well-placed phone call, I enjoyed Abigail’s special music, violin congregational accompaniment, and best of all, I got my socks preached off. Years ago, when I sought counsel from a godly lady regarding my desire to marry a preacher, her advice to me was simple. “Melissa, you will be listening to him for a long time–you’d better make sure he knocks your socks off!!” Well, this godly man of character and integrity God gave me has been knocking my socks off for twenty years now.I love you, Mark–you are my hero.  And if you know my Mark, this is a good day for an, “AMEN.” A little update from 4NT–I am done with my last infusion! Maybe you can feel my excitement. Perhaps a little of that is knowing that the Packers are playing today, and I have a great excuse to enjoy the whole game!!!! Also, I found out midnightish last night, that a Froedtert rest day is NOT a literal 24-hr period–indeed not–I will be reunited with my stem cells tomorrow, and not tuesday. It’s all good–God is in charge of all of these timelines, and I’m enjoying sharing this with all who will listen. I think they may think me a cock-eyed optimist around here, and I have constant reminders that it will get hard soon. Okay then, Lord, here we go. Blessings, and His sweetest to you on this His day. Melissa

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