74 Days, And Christmas is Almost Here!


We have just received our first real snowfall here in Cedarburg, and being out in it was like being inside a snow globe, except that, unlike in a perfect snow globe, my car was fishtailing into the other lane,  and I’m sure eveyone else on the road was delighted to have this New Hampshire native doing 15 mph off the road at my earliest convenience!! The kidos were delighted to get a snow day out of the storm, and it was the perfect time to heat up the oven and bake Dutch Apple Cakes for all the teachers at Calvary Baptist School. Today saw the last of the Christmas cards go into the mailbox, and Nat King Cole sang as I fixed a festive dinner for my family–complete with our traditional homemade eggnog.  We are practicing special music for Heritage Baptist’s Christmas Eve service, and finishing up last-minute touches on treats for special friends.  My dear friends, what I am trying to communicate to you is that, THE LORD HATH DEALT BOUNTIFULLY WITH ME.  I still wake up most mornings, immediately grateful for another day, and the strength and ability to do all of the above. And why? Because the Lord has dealt bountifully with me.  My first PET/CT is scheduled for January 14th, and that is four weeks from my last visit with my oncologist–my leash gets longer and longer!  Though I don’t realize daily changes, I am truly grateful for increasing strength, and the ability to do yet a little more from week to week. My only real complaint is that the day is often far from done as my energy is waning.  A quick backward glance to where we’ve been usually fixes my focus problem, and I see that the Lord has dealt bountifully with me.   On Sunday,  I will celebrate Mark’s and my engagement anniversary, and Mark will most likely tell the kidos again the wonderful story of the cold winter night, when after dinner at The Common Man,  under a full moon, he asked me to be his wife. I will probably soak in every expression on every face, kiss my hubby, and remind them all that The Lord has dealt bountifully with us all.  Thank you all again for your friendship and prayer support as we have walked down this pathway together since March. Only He knows what tomorrow holds, and that’s okay, because after all, that is His business. Merry Christmas to you  and yours, and may you be able to rest your own soul in knowing that the Lord hath dealt bountifully with you.   


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